Corporate Style: The Summer Edition

Corporate Style: The Summer Edition

Dressing for work in a corporate environment is already difficult enough. Corporate fashion is tricky. It depends entirely on the sort of company and team you work for. Someone working in IT will dress differently than someone working in a law firm.

This summer edition of my corporate style is for anyone who ever finds themselves in needs of replacing jeans with slacks, flip flops with heels, and throw on blazers in 100 degree heat.

1. There are some colors you can never go wrong with: black, white, and grey.

There’s a reason investment bankers are always in black and white. These are classic, primary colors that will flatter anyone, however boring they might look.

The trick is to make sure you switch up the style, texture, and patterns of your outfit.

Love stripes on your off time? Pick a modest, sleeveless shirt that is striped with a little bit of an edge. Can’t stand slacks? Pick some light weight pants that look sleek and are comfy enough for you to wear all day.

2. Don’t be afraid to wear summer or bright colors to the office.

I absolutely love pink, and I will find any occasion and excuse to wear it. There are limits, however. Hot pink pants don’t really belong in the corporate world, but that doesn’t mean some light pink or baby pink pants can’t look work appropriate and cute!

When you want to wear a color like pink, it is always a good idea to pair it with some primary colors. The overall look will be slightly more subdued, which is exactly what you’re going for. Unfortunately, work isn’t a fashion show. 

3. In the battle with the work building’s AC (they are always unnecessarily cold), the vest will always win.

Vests are a godsend; they will actually help maintain your internal body temperature, cover up anything you don’t want anyone to see (cough cough panty lines during that time if the month), and immediately dress up any outfit.

Pick a soft material for your vest, a bright color, and immediately you have a blanket that you can wrap yourself with when that AC is just turned up too high.

Dressing for work is always tricky, but I hope you enjoyed this!
